
Jonas Schepp and his family

Jonas Schepp got married on 15 April 1921 in Maastricht. The couple became two children: the son Henri and a child that survived the war. The family moved on 11 September 1934 from 's-Hertogenbosch to Vught, where they lived at the Esscheweg 59.
His wife has survived the war.
Two members of the family had to surrender their bicycle. On 19 August 1941 Jonas Schepp surrendered his radio with Philips-loudspeaker.
Gemeinde Vught. Liste von Juden und Familienangehörigen (14 juli 1942); Brabants Historisch Informatie Centrum, Gemeentearchief Vught, Archief Gemeentepolitie Vught 1920-1994, toegangsnr. 5109, inv. 263

A Liro card remains for this person or family. The cards are now at the National Archives in The Hague.