
Marcus Bromet and his family

Marcus Bromet married in 1908. He and his wife had two children. The family lived at B83 Stationsstraat in Hardenberg. His three brothers Meijer Bromet, Asser Bromet and Philip Bromet lived at the same address. Like his brothers, Marcus Bromet was a merchant. Marcus Bromet's wife and two children survived the war.
H. Hamburger and J.C. Regtien, Joodse oorlogsmonumenten in de provincie Overijssel, alsmede algemene oorlogsmonumenten waarop joodse namen voorkomen. Profiel (Bedum 2002) 37

The brothers Meijer, Asser, Marcus and Philip Bromet came from a family with six children. Their parent were David Meijer Bromet and Sara Cantor. The family had lived in Hardenberg for six generations.
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For additional information, see:
D. Slier and I. Shine, Hidden letters (NYC 2008) 151

In addition, a Jokos file (number 6408) on this household is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.