
Coenraad Herman van Es and his family

Coenraad Herman van Es was a son of Salomon Abraham Levie van Es and Carolina van der Wijk. In 1904 he married Eva van de Rhoer, the daughter of Abraham van de Rhoer and Matje Glazer. Coenraad and Eva had two children: Carolina Mathilda and Abraham.
Eva van Es-van de Rhoer died in 1930 and two years later Coenraad Herman van Es married her younger sister, Schoontje van de Rhoer. No children were born of this second marriage.
Coenraad Herman van Es was a teacher at the Akkerschool in Meppel and sat on several executive committees, including those of the Dutch Association for the Abolition of Alcoholic Beverages, The Association for Children’s Food and Clothing, the Red Cross, Welfare, the Central Society for Childhood Convalescence and Holiday Camps, and the Economic Federation.
In 1941 Coenraad Herman was dismissed from his teaching post. The municipal authorities thought up a ruse: since Coenraad Herman van Es was only one year away from retirement age, they offered him ‘early retirement’ so that he would not be left without an income. That same year he was also forced to resign from his various committees.
His daughter Carolina worked as a secretary for Brocades & Shteeman. When that was not possible anymore at the beginning of 1942, she became a secretary of the Jewish Council.
On 3 October 1942 Coenraad Herman van Es and his wife and daughter were taken from their house and brought to Westerbork transit camp.
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In addition, a Jokos file (number 8560) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.The Jokos file reveals that a claim was lodged for compensation for valuables surrendered to the Lippmann-Rosenthal looting bank (L-claim, number 3174/16858).

A Liro card exists for this person or family. The original cards are kept at the Nationaal Archief (National Archive) at The Hague.