
About Samuel de Wolf

Samuel de Wolf was a son from the first marriage of his father Jacob de Wolf and Rebecca Blog, who passed away in 1932. He married Kaatje Pront on 15 May 1929 in Amsterdam, a daughter of Manus Pront and Judith van Noord. The couple had five children, who all have been killed – together with their mother – on 21 September 1942 in Auschwitz. Samuel self was already killed in 1941 in Mauthausen.  The family lived at Lange Houtstraat 24a III in Amsterdam.

Samuel was born into a family of seven children. Two little brothers have died already, only 2 years old. The other family has been killed in the Shoah: His father Jacob, together with his wife Heintje Roeg were killed in Auschwitz; his brother Isaak was also killed in 1941 in Mauthausen; his brothers Gerrit and Willem were killed in 1943 in Sobibor an his brother Mozes in 1943 in Auschwitz.

City Archive of Amsterdam, archive cards of  Jacob de Wolf, Gerrit de Wolf, Willem de Wolf, Kaatje Pront, Samuel de Wolf, Mozes de Wolf, and Isaac de Wolf and an addition of a visitor of the website.