
About Aron van Oosten

Aron van Oosten, son of Mozes van Oosten and Eva Koch, was married to Henriëtte Trompetter, daughter of David Trompetter and Gina Gerson. The couple had four children. The eldest, Dina Eva, was born on 10 August 1913 and left Dwingeloo for Amsterdam on 8 September 1930. The second child, Eva Johanna (known as Evie) was born on 2 January 1916. She left Dwingeloo for Utrecht on 11 January 1937. The third child, Max Siegbert, was born in Dwingeloo on 26 April 1918. He left the village of his birth on 8 January 1942 and moved to Amsterdam. Only the youngest child, Johanna Reina, born in Dwingeloo on 30 November 1925, still lived at home.

The family lived on the Brink in Dwingeloo in a home with a shop, where Aron and his wife ran a draper's business. This home later became known as the 'Brinkhuus.' Aron van Oosten sold textiles door to door, while his wife stayed behind to work in the draper's shop. She was also a milliner.

On 3 August 1942 Mayor De la Saussaye Briët was instructed to order Aron van Oosten to report the Jewish labour camp Nieuweroord, near Hoogeveen. His wife Henriëtte and his daughter Johanna Reina remained behind in Dwingeloo. In early October 1942 they were sent to Westerbork with all Jewish women still present in Dwingeloo. On 12 October 1942 Aron, his wife Henriëtte and their daughter Johanna Reina were deported from Westerbork to Auschwitz.

The eldest daughter, Dina, lived at 12 Reitdiepstraat in Amsterdam. She was married to a man named Winter. Like her parents and her sister Johanna Reina, she was deported from Westerbork to Auschwitz on 12 October 1942.

Max Siegbert van Oosten lived at 12 Reitdiepstraat in Amsterdam, at the same address as his sister Dina. On 27 April 1943 he was deported from Westerbork to Sobibor.

Eva Johanna lived at 92 Nieuwe Gracht in Utrecht. On 5 April 1944 she was deported from Westerbork to Theresiënstadt, where she arrived on 7 April. On 9 October 1944 she was sent from there to Auschwitz.
R. Smit, 'Gedeporteerden', in: Dwingeloo in oorlogstijd, 1940-1945 (Beilen zj), 104-120

This person is commemorated on a memorial in Dwingelo. More information on this memorial can be found (in Dutch) on the website of the Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei.