
About Henriette Cohen

The unmarried Henriette Cohen lived in together with her sister Mina, who was married to Moses Lichtenstein and after they were gone, she lived in with her cousins, the daughters of Mina en Moses, Madalaine and Johanna Lichtenstein, till she deceased in Rotterdam in 1941.

Henriette Cohen, born in Tiel in 1849, was a daughter of Aron Machiel Cohen and Johanna van meer. She lived together with her sister Mina, who married 4 June 1884 in Tiel Moses Lichtenstein, born 1854 in Den Haag. Henriette Cohen remained unmarried.

Mina and Moses had three children, all born in Tiel, namely Madaleine Johanna, Johanna and Joseph. Their son Joseph died in 1892 in Tiel, aged 3 years.

After 1892 all moved to Utrecht and per 24 November 1898 they were registered in the Population Register of Rotterdam at the address Agniesestraat 17. Later, they have moved to Kruisstraat 51 and Teilingerstraat 55a. In May and August of 1916, Mina Cohen as well her husband Moses Lichtenstein passed away and both have been interred in the Jewish Cemetery Toepad in Rotterdam.

After the passing of both parents Lichtenstein, Henriette Cohen stayed with the still unmarried daughters Lichtenstein. In 1924 one moved to Spoorsingel 56a and in 1929 to Bergweg 202a, but per 2 May 1933 both sisters and their aunt Henriette Cohen went living at Lisstraat 25b.

Henriette Cohen passed away 27 November 1941 in Rotterdam, 92 years old and the funeral records at the Jewish cemetery in Rotterdam reveal that Henriette Cohen was buried there.

The sisters Lichtenstein were deported 10 April 1943 from their home to Camp Westerbork, stayed in barack 72 till they were put on transport 20 April to Sobibor, where they upon arrival there 23 April 1943 immedately have been killed.

City Archive of Rotterdam, family registration cards of Moses Lichtenstein and Madalaine Johnanna Lichtenstein; website and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Madalaine and Johanna Lichtenstein.

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