
About Alfred de Haan

This person lived alone or no information about family members is known or traceable.

The date mentioned here is the legal date of death stated by the Ministry of Justice.
In the "Auschwitz Death Registers, The State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau page 27433/1942" Alfred de Haan is mentioned with the 3d of September 1942 as date of death.
On the card of Alfred de Haan from the "Cartotheek van de Joodsche Raad" his date of transport from Westerbork is the 24th of July 1942 so the date mentioned in the Auschwitz Death Registers looks more plausible.
Source:Auschwitz Death Registers, The State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau page 27433/1942; Cartotheek van de Joodsche Raad