
About Szosza Mandelbaum

Szosza Mandelbaum was born in 1906 in Grodno (Poland). On 20 December 1927 she got married in the Polish city of Bialystok to Salomon de Jong from Amsterdam, a son of Marcus Salomon de Jong and Rachel Koen. Afther her marriage, Szosza an her husband came to Amsterdam where they have resided in the Den Texstraat (where her daughter Rachel was born in November 1933). Per 11 October 1939 she lived at Waverstraat 74 III whith her husband and daughter and on 15 April 1940 they lived at Borssenburgerplein 4 III. Szosza, her husband and daughter have been registered in transit camp Westerbork on 20 June 1943. Szosza was deported to Auschwitz on 15 November 1943 where she has been killed on 31 January 1944.

City Archive of Amsterdam, archive cards of Szosza Mandelbaum and Salomon de Jong; the File Cabinet of the Jewish Council of Amsterdam, records of Szosza Mandelbaum and Salomon de Jong.