
About Ruben van Boele.

Ruben van Boele, born 22 October 1885 in Zwolle, was a son of Abraham van Boele from London en Batseba Farro. He was employed as messenger for a health insurance fund. On 13 January 1910 he married in Amsterdam Dina Witmond, a dauhter of Aaron Witmond and Mary Witmond. The couple had two sons, namely Abraham and Aron. Both have survived the war. Also Ruben's spouse Dina Witmond survive the war; she died in 1954 in Amsterdam.

After having lived in Nijmegen and afterwards at various addresses in Amsterdam, the family lived up from 1934 at Tugelaweg 25 III in Amsterdam. On 5 October 1942 Ruben was taken from his house and registered in Westerbork that same day. 26 October Ruben was put on transport to Auschwitz. Three days later, on arrival there on 29 October 1942, he was killed there in the gas chambers of Auschwitz.

City archive of Amsterdam, Archive cards of Ruben van Boele and Dina Witmond; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Ruben van Boele and Dina van Boele.

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