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Herdenk Max Schwarz

Max Schwarz

Amsterdam, – Polen,

Reached the age of 18 years


Meijer Max Schwarz

Did not survive. March 31, 1944, Poland, place unknown. Number 121 on the school picture. See also the school picture on the Heerengracht number 113.

Reactie van Herbert Markus

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Meijer Max Schwarz

The above quoted is another person with the same name!!!!
The Max Schwarz on this picture did survive. I spoke with him a few days ago.
He fled with a group with among other the brothers Alfred (117 on thispicture) and Manfred Goldstein (42 on this picture) to Switzerland in 1942, where he studied chemistry. He lives today near Washington.

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Other family members

No other family known (yet)