
About Rosa Wagenhuis.

The eldest of the Isaäc Wagenhuis family.

Rosa Wagenhuis was the eldest of the three daughters of Isaäc Wagenhuis and Maria Augurk. She was born on 26 November 1912 in Amsterdam and she was a seamstress by profession. She was unmarried and lived at home with her parents in the Bethaniëndwarsstraat 15 2nd floor and per August 1941 in the Jodenbreestraat 2 1st floor in Amsterdam. Rosa had two sisters: Sara, who was more than 1 ½ year younger, born in 1914 and got married in 1936 to Samson de Vries and since then not lived at home anymore, and her youngest sister Catharina, who was born on 25 March 1924.

On 10 February 1943, Rosa Wagenhuis was arrested and carried off to the new concentration camp Vught, which even was partly still under construction at that time. She remained there till June of that year but on 7 June, she was added as a supervisor to the so-called children transport, which left then from Vught for Westerbork,  and the next day, 8 June 1943 with more than 3000 deportees – most children – left from Westerbork for Sobibor.

On arrival on 11 June 1943 in the “SS-Sonderlager Sobibor”, with its deceitful white houses with cheerful curtains, all the children and their supervisors, including the 30-year-old Rosa Wagenhuis, were misled and peace was preserved. Not much later, they were all murdered in the gas chambers there. There were no survivors.

Sources include the City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card of Isaäc Wagenhuis, archive card of Isaäc Wagenhuis; residence card Amsterdam Bethaniëndwarsstraat 15; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration card of Rosa Wagenhuis; website ITS Arolson/camp card Vught of Rosa Wagenhuis and the Wikipedia website jodentransporten vanuit

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