
About Meijer Salomons.

Meijer Salomons, the only son of Philip Salomons and Betje van Kollem, was born on 2 February 1918 in Amsterdam. Meijer had completed secondary school, had obtained his practical diploma in accounting, worked as an office clerk and as chief correspondent French. He also completed his studies in economics and worked as an assistant chief accountant. He was also an official at the NIHS, the Dutch Israëlitic Main Synagogue in Amsterdam. Meijer was unmarried.

As a 2-year-old child, Meijer Salomons moved with his parent to Antwerp in March 1920 and as far as known, Meijer remained in Antwerp until 1931. When he was 13 years old, he returned to his parents on 19 August 1931, who had now returned to Amsterdam from Paris. The complete family then lived at Van Woustraat 2 in Amsterdam South. After many moves, the last address of the Meijer Salomons became, just like that of his parents: Pieter de Hoochstraat 34 ground floor.

From 16 September 1942, Meijer worked as an assistant accountant at the accounting department V of the Jewish Council, for which he received identification from the Council with number B-703. He was therefore provisionally exempted from deportation. However, on 25 May 1943, during one of the raids that the Germans then conducted, Meijer was also arrested and immediately sent to Westerbork where he ended up in barrack 62. On 13 July, the 25-year-old Meijer Salomons was deported as one of the 1988 victims to Sobibor and immediately murdered upon arrival on 16 July 1943.

Sources include the Amsterdam City Archives, family registration of cards Philip Salomons; archive cards of Philip Salomons, Betje van Kollem and Meijer Salomons (1918); Population register of annexed municipalities/ Watergraafsmeer/Betje van Kollem; the Dossier of Foreigners of the City of Antwerp/file 160824/Meijer Salomons; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Meijer Salomons and the website Jodentransporten uit July 1943.

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