
Clara Koppel

Clara Koppel, née Lyser, was born in Anholt on the 14th of September 1861. She married the cattle dealer Salomon Koppel from Goch/Germany and her three children Helene, Hedwig and Max were born in Goch. She emigrated to the Netherlands. In 1941 she lived with her son Max and his wife Herta in Helmont on the Steenweg 10a. In 1942 she moved to her daughter Hedwig Kann to Naarden, Jan Steenlaan 56. On the 29th of May 1943 she was taken to Camp Westerbork. A few days later on the 8th of June 1943 she was deported to the death camp Sobior together with 3017 other people on a so called „Kindertransport“. She was killed immediatley after her arrival on the 11th of June 1943.