archief Rosa Manus
Correspondence, among others with Clara Hyde 1926-1939, Elfriede Zippel 1930-1931, Jane Addams 1931, Johanna Naber 1931-1934 and Katharina von Kardorff 1929-1935; photo album of the Exhibtion 'De Vrouw 1813-1913'; documents concerning the Vereeniging voor Vrouwenkiesrecht, the Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Staatsburgeressen and the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vrouwenbelangen en Gelijk Staatsburgerschap, Head Quarters and Amsterdam branch 1919-1939; documents concerning the International Alliance, Head Quarters, Nationaal Comité voor Internationale belangen and the International Committee for Peace and the League of Nations 1926-1940; documents concerning the Peace and Disarmament Committee of the Women's International Organisations 1931-1940; documents concerning the celebration of the seventieth birthday of Carrie Chapman Catt, organised by Rosa Manus 1928; passport 1935; Royal Decree (Koninklijk Besluit) concerning her appointment to 'Officier in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau' 1936.