
Rudolf Cohen in Palestina, 1938

Door: Manja

Rudolf Cohen was in Palestina in 1938.

Documenten hiervan zijn online te vinden bij de 'ghetto fighters house'.

Een omschrijving van deze documenten, in het Engels:

"Collection: Rudolf Cohen. His name in the Dutch underground was "Ru."
Rudolf Cohen was born in Deventer, the Netherlands.

This collection includes:
- Personal documents.
- His 1938 report (in Dutch) of his visit to Eretz Yisrael (Palestine).
- A report (in Dutch) on the Joodse Centraal voor Beroepsopleiding (J.C.B.; Jewish Center for Vocational Training) of the Joodse Raad. Cohen was the chairman of the J.C.B.
- Correspondence (in Dutch) with members of his family.
- An article by his wife, Eva Cohen - Konigsberg, in the Dutch newspaper Jodsche Wachter (The Jewish Guardian).
- A biographical sketch of him (in Hebrew) written by Menachem Pinkhof.

- Rudolf "Ru" Cohen was the founding father of Zionist pioneering training (hachshara) in the Netherlands, and a key activist in the Jewish community there. "


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