


In September 1933 Georg Flatow visited his old friend prof. mr. dr. George van den Bergh. Georg Flatow, a former high civil servant, was the contact person in the Netherlands for a committee for German Jews (Zentral Ausschuss der Deutschen Juden für Hilfe and Aufbau). The two friends started talking about the problems with the Jewish refugees and the future of Jewish youth in Germany. Then they came up with the idea to also establish training facilities outside of Germany, because of the limited possibilities in Germany. Prof. Van den Bergh was very interested and promised to take further steps in this matter.
(Drs. H.B.J. Stegeman and Drs. J.P. Vorsteveld: Het Joods Werkdorp in de Wieringermeer, 1934-1941, 34)

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