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Herdenk Cornelia Polak-van Zwanenberg

Cornelia Polak-van Zwanenberg

Oss, – Almelo,

Reached the age of 54 years


About Cornelia Polak-van Zwanenberg

Cornelia (Cor) van Zwanenberg died in 1943 in Almelo. A local physician only gave notification of this in 1946.
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Isidor Polak and his family

Isidor Polak was the son of Saul Hartog Polak and Sara de Jong. He married in 1910 to Cornelia van Zwanenberg, the daughter of Arnoldus van Zwanenberg and Catharina Levison. Isidor and Cornelia had three children.
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In addition, a Jokos file (number 11275) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting…

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Address & residents


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