Bijdragen aan Hans Ferdinand Wolff

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Herdenk Hans Ferdinand Wolff

Hans Ferdinand Wolff

Darmstadt, – Midden-Europa,

Bereikte de leeftijd van 44 jaar

Beroep: Antiquair




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The name of the until now unknown son of Hans Ferdinand Wolff and his wife Luise Karolina Wolff

Richard Oskar Wolff, born in Munich on the sixth of March in 1930 and emigrated as a child with both his parents to the Netherlands end of November 1937. besides his birth record there are no details known in Munich about his life.

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Frieda Wallach- Wallach

Frieda Wallach, mother to Karolina Wolff-Wallach and mother in law to Hans Ferdinand Wolff lived at the above-inserted address in 1939. This is information taken from the history of Jewish inhabitants of Garmisch in Bavaria. After the so-called 'Kristallnacht' in November 1938, she was forced to leave her beautiful house the next day, lived for a short while in Munich and then followed her daughte…

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