
About Alfred Heidt

Alfred Heidt had a company that sold silverware and other supplies to the hotel and catering sector. He married Evaline Workum, who was still living with her parents.
Addition of a visitor of the website

The Bussum police commissioner requested that Alfred Israel Heidt, a merchant, be located, detained and brought to trial. A resident of Bussum, he held residence permit 34845. Alfred Heidt was suspected of having changed his place of residence without the required authorization. This description referred to Jews who had gone into hiding. He was also suspected of misappropriating a typewriter and a collection of glassware 'to the disadvantage of the Verwaltungstreuhändler of the firm A. Heidt.' His wife was listed as missing as well.
Algemeen Politieblad, nr 42, 22 October 1942, 1216, notice 2551