
About Margit Weinberg-Straschitz

Margit Weinberg-Straschitz, also known as Gretl, was the daughter of Ludwig Straschitz. Her father had died in 1934, aged seventy-two. Her mother, who survived the war, later on was buried along with Ludwig Straschitz at Zorgvlied cemetery in Amsterdam. Margit’s husband survived the war and emograted to the United States. The house at Oranje Nassaulaan 51 was given to the municipality by her husband, and a plaque dedicated to the memory of Margit and her children was displayed beside the front door. Also, on the grave of Margit's mother-in-law Clara Weinberg-Löwenhaupt at Zorgvlied, a tombstone was added with the names of Margit and her children.
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For a view on the Oranje Nassaulaan see the website Panoramsterdam.

The last address of Margit and her three children was Biesboschstraat 5 in Amsterdam.
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