
About Meyer Cützien



Meyer Cützien was the fourth child of Benjamin Aron Cutzien and Judith Kan. He married Bernardine Cohen from Oldenzaal there on 20 August 1919, a daughter of the horse dealer Moses Cohen and Emma Steinweg. As far as has been researched, Meyer and Bernardine had a child who has survived the Holocaust. Meyer Cützien moved in 1926 to Enschede. He was known there as Maurits Krukziener as the name Cutzien was changed by the family to Krukziener, to give it a more familiar Dutch sound. He was a teacher at School 7 in the Emmastraat.  Meyer Cutzien lost his life in Mauthausen on 14 October 1941. His wife Bernardine Cohen was killed in Sobibor on 16 July 1943.

Meyer was born into a family with five children: Klaartje, Serlina, Hanna, Aron and himself. His siblings and their families were all killed in the Shoah.

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