
About Henriëtte Widman-Kogel, her husband Aron Widman and their daughter Mary Widman.


Henriëtte Kogel, ladies fashion hat maker, born in 1898 in Amsterdam, was a daughter of Reintje Bloemhof and Salomon Kogel. She married 10 July 1924 in Amsterdam Aron Widmna, who was born in 1899 in Krakau as son of Jozef Widman and Malka Gronner. On 11 September 1928 the couple had a daughter named Mary.

After her marriage, Henriëtte Kogel lived with her husband at Saffierstraat 53 2nd floor. They lived there until they were taken in the night of 9/10 March 1943 from their home to concentration camp Vught. With the so-called “children transport” Mary Widman was deported from Vught via Westerbork to Sobibor on 7/8 June 1942 and her father Aron and mother Henriëtte had to join her. On arrival there on 11 June, Henriëtte Widman-Kogel, her husband Aron Widman and their daughter Mary Widman were immediately killed.

Sources among others: City Archive of Amsterdam, archive cards of Aron Widman, Henriette Kogel and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Aron Widman, Henriëtte Widman-Kogel and Mary Widman.

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