
About Samson de Vries, his wife Sara Wagenhuis and their son Isaac.

Samson de Vries, a son of David de Vries and Theodora Haringman, was born on 3 October 1911 in Amsterdam and married there on 19 August 1936 Sara Wagenhuis, the middle of the three daughters of Maria Augurk and Isaac Wagenhuis. She was born in Amsterdam on 30 May 1914 and worked as a tailors seamstress and later as an ironer. The couple had one son, Isaac, who was born on 5 August 1937.

After Samson and Sara were married in 1936, they went living in the Bethaniëndwarsstraat 15 1st floor in the old city center of Amsterdam. Samson earned his living as a peddler, porter and rag dealer. After having lived somewhere for a short time, he moved several times with his wife and son to other addresses: for example, they went from Bethaniënstraat 15 1st floor to No. 11 down floor and to No. 5 1st floor in the same street, and further on to the St. Antoniebreestraat 17 , the Nieuwe Kerkstraat 34, back to the Bethaniëndwarsstraat 15 2nd floor and finally on 17 April 1941, they ended up in the Korte Koningstraat 27 II. 

On 16 April 1943, the family was arrested and deported to the concentration camp Vught. From there, Samson de Vries was put to work on 29 May in the Moerdijk subcamp, where he stayed in barracks 4. On 3 July 1943 he was sent via Vught to Westerbork, where he awaited his deportation in barrack 60.

His wife Sara de Vries-Wagenhuis and her 5-year-old son Isaac had already arrived in Westerbork on the so-called children's transport of 7 June 1943 from Vught. They were deported to Sobibor the next day, 8 June and murdered in the gas chambers on arrival there on 11 June 1943.

After arrival in Westerbork Samson de Vries was deported to Sobibor 3 days later on 6 July 1943. On arrival there on 9 July 1943, he was immediately murdered in the gas chambers of Sobibor.

Sources include the City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration cards of Isaac Wagenhuis and Samson de Vries, archive cards of Samson de Vries and Sara Wagenhuis; website ITS Arolson/camp cards Vught of Samson de Vries, Sara de Vries-Wagenhuis and Isaac de Vries; website  Traces of War/buitencamp Moerdijk; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Samson de Vries, Sara de Vries-Wagenhuis and Isaac de Vries and the wikipedia website jodentransporten vanuit


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