
About Anne Groenteman

1936 - 1942

Anne Groenteman was born on 26 September 1936 as the second child of Meijer Machiel Groenteman and Lena Kroonenberg. She had a brother John, who was a year older than she, and two years later another sister, Jeannette, was born. 

Her father was a tailor and had a workshop where coats were made. Her mother was a seamstress. The family lived in the Nieuwe Kerkstraat at number 61 groundfloor. They had a good life under the circumstances until the war broke out. 

Very early on, in September 1942, Anne and her brother and sister and her parents were taken from home and carried off to Westerbork.On 25 September they were sent to Auschwitz.

During the transport, on 26  September 1942, when the train was already running in Germany, Anne “celebrated” her sixth birthday. 

After arriving on 28 September 1942, she was killed in the gas chambers of Birkenau together with her mother, brother John and sister Jeannette. Her father was taken on a work command and died at the end of January 1943. 

Anne Groenteman was 6 years old.

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