Bijdragen aan Carla Rose Levy

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Herdenk Carla Rose Levy

Carla Rose Levy

Amsterdam, – Sobibor,

Bereikte de leeftijd van 25 jaar


Additional Information About Carla Rose Levy

Carla was the oldest of four children of lawyer Alfred Levy and his wife Florette Levy-Sanders. When the war started, Carla was a philosophy student. She and her next oldest sibling, her sister Johanna (Hanny), a medical student, were sent to Westerbork. Hanny escaped from the medical area of Westerbork in the garbage with the help of a German communist prisoner and survived the war hidden und…

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Additional Information About Carla Rose Levy

Carla was the oldest of four children of lawyer Alfred Levy and his wife Florette Levy-Sanders. When the war started, Carla was a philosophy student. She and her next oldest sibling, her sister Johanna (Hanny), a medical student, were sent to Westerbork. Hanny escaped from the medical area of Westerbork in the garbage with the help of a German communist prisoner and survived the war hidden underground, continuing her medical studies throughout. Carla was sent from Westerbork to Sobibor and was killed upon arrival. Their younger sister Lucy, later a psychoanalyst, also survived the war - hidden in the Dutch countryside. Alfred and Florette survived the war hidden underground in Amsterdam together with Florette's mother Rosalie Sanders, who was elderly and ill and spent a great deal of time at Wilhelmina Gasthuis where she was hidden by the nurses. Carla's brother, Joan, the youngest sibling, left for the United States at the age of 17 in 1939 and therefore also survived the war.

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Gezin Levy

Van een of meer mensen in dit gezin hebben wij niet kunnen vaststellen of zij de oorlog al dan niet overleefd hebben. Hun naam is niet teruggevonden op lijsten van overlevenden, maar wij hebben hen ook niet met zekerheid kunnen terugvinden in In Memoriam. Zij zijn in het monument als 'overlevend' aangeduid en hun naam is niet vermeld.

Van dit gezin is ook een JOKOS-dossier (nummer 9294) aanwezig …

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