Bijdragen aan Isidor Aufricht

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Herdenk Isidor Aufricht

Isidor Aufricht

Dolni Tosonovice, – Auschwitz,

Bereikte de leeftijd van 69 jaar



Isidor Aufricht was born in a small hamlet of Dolni Tosanovice (Tesin District) in the then Austrian Empire (now the Czech Republic). He lived just a few kilometres to the west in Mistek (now Mystek) which was on the Moravian side of the Ostravice River. Across the river to the north is the sister town of Friedek (Frydek). Isidor was one of 9 children of Samuel and Betti Aufricht. Samuel was a tra…

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Pension 'Prins Hendrik'

Prins Hendriklaan 28, Amsterdam

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