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Herdenk Herta Frank-Vrengel

Herta Frank-Vrengel

Hamburg, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 28 years



The fate of Jakob Frank, his wife Herta Vrengel and their children Minna and Izak.

Jakob Frank was the seventh child from the first marriage of Izak Frank and Geertje Frenkel. Jakob was born on 29 October 1904 in Winschoten and he made his living as a merchant.

The family of Jakob's parents consisted of his father, who was born in Winschoten in 1864 and died there on 12 December 1940; his mother, who also came from Winschoten, was born in 1873 and died there in 1930. Jakob's sib…

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No other family known (yet)