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Herdenk Benjamin Klein

Benjamin Klein

Wildervank, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 70 years



Benjamin Klein

Benjamin is een zoon van Jozua Klein en Aaltje Cohen.


Jozua, 3 april 1901 Wildervank
Emanuël, 14 juni 1902 Wildervank
Aaltje, 10 sept 1903 (overl. 31 dec 1903)
Adolf, 2 oktober 1904 Wildervank
Edith, 20 maart 1907 Wildervank
Eli, 8 oktober 1908 Wildervank

Bron (Henriette Mendel en Benjamin Klein, geboorte Benjamin Klein 26-9-1872)

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Benjamin Klein and his family

Benjamin Klein (son of Jozua Klein and Aaltje Cohen) and Henriette Mendel (daughter of Emanuel Levij Mendel and Julia Blankenstein) had six children, among whom: Jozua and Elimelech.
Addition of a visitor of the website

In addition, a Jokos file (number 13080) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.


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What happened with Jozua and his family during the World War II

Jozua Klein was born on April 3, 1901, in Wildervank, The Netherlands. He was married to Rosi Mendel, who was born on March 26, 1906, in Germany. They had 2 children Rita Klein born on April 26, 1933, and Benjamin Klein born on July 30, 1914.
His parents were: Benjamin Klein and Henriette Klein-Mendel.  Benjamin was born on  September 26, 1872, Wildervank, The Netherlands. Tijdens de oorlog werd hi…

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No other family known (yet)