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Herdenk Johnny van der Sluis

Johnny van der Sluis

Haarlem, – Neuengamme,

Reached the age of 20 years



The fate of Johnny van der Sluis

Johnny van der Sluis was a son of Israël van der Sluis and Betje Cohen. He was born on 4 August 1924 in the Molenaerstraat 30a in Haarlem. With his parents, he moved from Haarlem to Korte Mare 23 in Leiden in the later years of then 1930-s.

From data of the Jewish Lyceum Den Haag, it appears that Johnny attended the 4th class of the HBS department there in the scholastic year 1941/1942 and that he…

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About Johnny van der Sluis

As of 1 September 1941,Jewish children were only allowed to attend schools that were exclusively intended for Jewish students. Schools for Jewish students were established in all parts of the country. The Jewish Lyceum at Fisherstraat 135 was opened in The Hague on 15 October 1941. This Jewish Lyceum continued to exist until 26 November, 1942, after which the school was moved to Bezemstraat under …

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Joods Lyceum Den Haag

Het Joodsch Lyceum in Den Haag heeft bestaan van 15 oktober 1941 tot 15 april 1943. Het was gevestigd aan de Fisherstraat. Er hebben 267 leerlingen onderwijs gevolgd aan het Joodsch Lyceum in de Fisherstraat, van wie er zeker 161 zijn omgebracht.

Veel informatie en persoonlijke herinneringen aan het Haagse Joodsch Lyceum is te vinden in Slotakkoord der kinderjaren. Herinneringen aan het Joodsch Ly…

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Other family members

No other family known (yet)