David de Groot worked as a qualified nurse in the Apeldoornse Bos, where he started working on 1 September 1919. Municipal Archives Apeldoorn, list of employees of the Apeldoornsche Bosch
David de Groot en zijn vrouw Marianne de Groot-Mok plegen op 20 januari zelfmoord in hun huis aan de Zutphensestraat 185 in Apeldoorn. Dit wordt 's morgens door de heer Mendels (geneesheer van het Apeldoornsche Bosch) bij de politie gemeld. Het is de dag voordat alle bewoners van het Apeldoornsche Bosch worden gedeporteerd.
It is still an extremely sensitive topic: suicide during the Second World War. Historians have not known what to do with it for a long time. What is the place of suicide in war history?
Remarkably little has been written on this subject and there seems to be no list of names or memorial books at all. The Digital Monument (www.joodsmonument.nl) offers a place where relatives, sometimes for the firs…