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Herdenk Louis Salomons

Louis Salomons

Hilversum, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 44 years

Occupation: Diamond cutter



Cosel en de Organisation Schmelt

Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog hadden de nazi’s behoefte aan arbeidsslaven om Duitse mannen te vervangen die voor de Wehrmacht waren opgeroepen, om wegen en verdedigingwerken aan te leggen of om te werken in de omvangrijke nieuwe wapenindustrie.  Joden werden in de Zwangsarbeitslager für Juden gedwongen het zwaarste werk te verrichten, tegen een minimum aan voeding, rust en verzorging, tot zij nie…

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The Cosel period.

The period from 28 August to 12 December 1942 was known as the so-called Cosel period. Deportation trains  made a stopover at the freight station of Cosel, located 80 km west of Auschwitz. During that stop, boys and men who were considered fit for work by the Germans, were usually forcibly separated from their families and taken off the train and put to work in the surrounding labor camps of Upper

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No other family known (yet)