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Herdenk Anna Cohen-Polak

Anna Cohen-Polak

Amsterdam, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 53 years



Anna Cohen-Polak

Anna is een dochter van Pinéas Polak en Duifje Isaac Werkendam. Ze trouwde 3 februari 1909 met Nathan Cohen (A'dam, 15 februari 1888), zoon van Israel Cohen en Sara Kokernoot).


Israël, 16 mei 1909 A'dam
Duifje, 21 januari 1911 A'dam
Pinchas, 11 juli 1912 A'dam
Alexander, 2 november 1913 A'dam
David, 11 maart 1915 (overl 14 juni 1916)
Mozes, 4 juni 1919 A'dam
David, 4 mei 1922 A'dam

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Nathan Cohen and his family

Nathan Cohen was a craftsman. He was a leather worker, repaired shoes and during the war he made bags and rucksacks which were often bought by people who went into hiding or had to go on transport. Anna Polak sold flowers on the market. Most children of Nathan Cohen and Anna Polak worked in the clothing industry.
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Nathan Cohen and Anna Polak married in 1909. Th…

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Address & residents
