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Herdenk Abraham Ossedrijver

Abraham Ossedrijver

Amsterdam, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 50 years

Occupation: Warehouse clerk


About Abraham Ossedrijver and his son Hartog.

Abraham Ossedrijver, working as warehouse clerk, was a son of Hartog Ossedrijver and Henriette Broekman. He married 24 December 1924 in Amsterdam Rebecca Booleman, who was born 28 February 1902 in Amsterdam as daughter of Isaac Booleman and Betje Toorenberg. In 1926 the couple had a son named Hartog, who has lost his life during the Shoah, just like his father. Rebecca Booleman however passed away…

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Abraham Ossedrijver

Abraham Ossedrijver married Rebecca Booleman born 28.Feb.1902 died 25.Jan.1940 both in Amsterdam. She was a daughter from Isaac Booleman 1862-1930 and Betje Toorenberg 1864-?

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