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Herdenk Leman Kokernoot

Leman Kokernoot

Amsterdam, – Midden-Europa,

Reached the age of 21 years

Occupation: Fitter


Leman Kokernoot

Leman Kokernoot verbleef in september-begin oktober 1942 in het werkkamp Conrad bij Staphorst.
Zie: Gert-Jan Westhoff, Dwangarbeid in Staphorst. Joodse werkkampen in Staphorst en Rouveen (Kampen 2012), pag. 121.

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Jacob Kokernoot and his family

Jacob Kokernoot was the widower of Mietje Fransman, who had died in Januari 1940. The couple had three children: Abraham, Jetje and Leman.
Amsterdam Municipal Archives; record card of Jacob Kokernoot

In addition, a Jokos file (number 14112) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.

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