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Herdenk Jacob Schellevis

Jacob Schellevis

Amsterdam, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 30 years

Occupation: Violinist



About Jacob Schellevis

Jacob Schellevis was a violinist in the Amsterdam city orchestra 'Avra'. He worked for his parents who owned a bread and cheese shop in Amsterdam. In 1938 he had a daughter who survived the war.
Addition of a visitor of the website

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Re: Jacob Schellevis

Zou degene die deze aanvullende info heeft geplaatst contact op willen nemen met de Stichting Individuele Verzekeringsaanspraken Sjoa? Er zijn mogelijk niet-uitgekeerde polissen op naam van de ouders van Jacob Schellevis.

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Jacob Schellevis

Foto van Jacob 4 jaar oud, dus dateert 1918

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Simon Schellevis and his family

According to a list with shops of Jewish owners, compiled by the Amsterdam police in 1940, this family had a bread shop, address: Rozenstraat 114 in Amsterdam.
Abstracts of the police archives which are currently at the Amsterdam municipal archives

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)