In this poignant documentary Willy Lindwer chronicles the fate of a number of unknown Jewish children who were deported from the Netherlands and murdered in the death camps. Stories from the lives of nineof them are recounted in this work.
Former non-Jewish classmates,neighbourhood children and friends from long ago talk about their murdered Jewish friends.
Transportlijst Westerbork – Auschwitz, 7 september 1942
Aan Sientje Abram bestaan geen herinneringen. Vrijwel iedereen die haar gekend heeft, is vermoord. Haar vader, haar moeder, haar drie broers, haar ooms en tantes, neefjes en nichtjes, de kinderen uit haar klas, de boven- en benedenburen, de buren links, de buren rechts, de buren aan de overkant.
In addition, a Jokos file (number 17354) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.