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Herdenk Jacob Polak

Jacob Polak

Amsterdam, – Natzweiler,

Reached the age of 32 years

Occupation: Porter


About Jacob Polak

Jacob Polak was deported to Auschwitz in 1943. Probably because of his ‘Jewish appearance’ he was selected for an anthropological inquiry. Together with 85 other prisoners he was brought to Natzweiler where he has been murdered ‘for scientific purposes’. The bodies were meant for an intended anatomical museum at the Straatsburg university. To the end of the war all the evidence of this experiment …

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Sara Walvisch

Jacob Polak was getrouwd met Sara Walvisch, geboren op 15 oktober 1915 en overleden op 9 juli 1943 in Sobibor. Sara woonde niet bij Jacob, maar bij haar moeder aan de Krugerstraat 17 hs in Amsterdam. Haar moeder was Therese Degen en haar vader Salomon Walvisch. 

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Isaac Polak and his family

A Jokos file (number 9154) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.

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Address & residents
