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Herdenk Leo Verständig

Leo Verständig

Kassel, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 20 years



Regina and Leo

Regina and Leo were step siblings.

Source: National Archive, 2.04.58, inv 130 and others

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Leo Verständig

Leo came to the Netherlands in July 1939 and went to live with a family in Amsterdam.
His parents were Hedwig Wachshändler, born in 1884 in Lublin, and Josef, born in 1877 in Sieniawa. Josef was deported to Poland in 1938, but in the summer of 1939, he went to Belgium. He was deported from Mechelen to Auschwitz in September 1942, with his wife.
Address in Germany: Kassel, Kasernestr. 5
Source: Na…

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Leo Verständig

Leo Verständig woonde sinds 10 mei 1940 in kamp Westerbork. Hij zat in het eerste transport naar Auschwitz van 15 juli 1942. Hij behoorde tot de groep van 100 'Alte Lagerinsassen' van Westerbork die voor dit eerste transport werden geselecteerd.

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Other family members

No other family known (yet)