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Herdenk Maria Anna Feldheim-Moser

Maria Anna Feldheim-Moser

Düsseldorf, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 65 years


About Maria Anna Feldheim-Moser

Maria Anna Moser was a daughter of Daniel Moser and Ernestine Lazarus.
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Moritz Feldheim and his family

Moritz Feldheim and Maria Anna Moser married in 1901 in Düsseldorf-Gerresheim. They had a child that survived the war.

Moritz Feldheim was deported to Westerbork from camp Vught on 9 May 1943. He was placed in barrack 58. On 14 May 1943 the Jewish Council of Maastricht told his wife Maria Moser in a telephone conversation that she had to report to Westerbork if she did not want her husband to le…

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Op 11 januari 1944 werden twee Joodse onderduiksters opgehaald uit het ziekenhuis van Maastricht. Zij waren daar opgenomen door de Joodse, maar ‘gecalmeyerde’ geneesheer-directeur Charles Mendes de Leon, om hen te behoeden voor deportatie. Het betrof mevrouw Marja Eisenberg-Goldberg uit Valkenburg, en mevrouw Mathilde Zeligman-Lichtenstein uit Meerssen. Ook de bejaarde Maria Anna Feldheim-Moser ui…

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Other family members

No other family known (yet)