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Herdenk Isaäc Swart

Isaäc Swart

Amsterdam, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 29 years



About Heintje Schenkkan, her husband Nathan Swart and the children Isaäc en Marie Swart.

Heintje Schenkkan was a daughter of Levie Schenkkan and Marianne Peper. She married 25 August 1910 in Amsterdam Nathan Swart, a diamond polisher and son of Levie Swart and Maria Peper. The couple had three children, namely Louis, Isaäc and Marie. Louis was born 31 December 1910 and he became a diamond worker. In 1930 he left for Antwerp and on 8 May 1935 he left for Johannesburg in South Africa. I…

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About Isaäc Swart and his wife Henderika Piller.

Isaäc Swart, son of Heintje Schenkkan and Nathan Swart, was a commercial traveller. He married 18 April in Amsterdam Henderika Piller, a daughter of Daniel Piller and Sara Visser. After their wedding, they moved in a house in the Biesboschstraat 40 2nd floor, but already after a few months, they moved in with Isaac’s parents in the Vechtstraat 131 2nd floor. In November 1940 they moved with his pa…

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Isaäc Swart and his family

In addition, a Jokos file (number 10041) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)