Isaac George Stibbe was married to Geertruida Josina Dubios. She died on the 14th of May 1940 at Bloemendaal Noord Hollandsarchief, deathcertificate Geertruida Josina Dubois
Isaac Stibbe en zijn vrouw, Geertruida Josina Stibbe-Dubois, ondernamen een zelfmoordpoging op 14 mei 1940 in hun woonhuis te Bloemendaal. Geertruida kwam hierbij te overlijden, Isaac overleefde de poging en werd naar het ziekenhuis vervoerd. Een tweede poging was wel succesvol.
It is still an extremely sensitive topic: suicide during the Second World War. Historians have not known what to do with it for a long time. What is the place of suicide in war history?
Remarkably little has been written on this subject and there seems to be no list of names or memorial books at all. The Digital Monument ( offers a place where relatives, sometimes for the firs…