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Herdenk Dora Englander

Dora Englander

Amsterdam, – Sobibor,

Reached the age of 18 years



About Dora Englander

Dora Englander had no illusions about what was to happen to her if she didn't go into hiding. Because she didn't want to abandon her parents en two younger brothers she made no use of the opportunity to go into hiding.
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This person is commemorated on a memorial in Vierhouten. More information on this memorial can be found (in Dutch) on the website of the Nation…

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Boas Englander and his family

Boas Englander and Flora Pinto got married in Amsterdam on November 14, 1923 and got on that same day a huppah of the NIHS. Attempts to find a place to hide failed. Nobody of this family survived the war.
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Before their departure to Westerbork, the Engelander family gave a book to their neighbours. The book is still in their possesion.
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Oud-leerling 1e Montessorischool

Dora was een oud-leerling van de 1e Montessorischool aan de Corellistraat 1 in Amsterdam. In deze school is een plaquette aangebracht waarop haar naam staat vermeld.

Haar naam komt ook voor op een van de koffers van het kunstwerk In Memoriam van Willem Volkersz.

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Other family members

No other family known (yet)