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Herdenk Schoontje Aa

Schoontje Aa

Amsterdam, – Amsterdam,

Reached the age of 75 years


Schoontje Aa

Schoontje Aa is een dochter van Levie Jacob Aa en Naatja Blom. Ze was niet gehuwd.

Schoontje was kostuumnaaister van beroep. Ze overleed in 1941 in Amsterdam, 75 jaar oud.

Bron SAA archiefkaart Schoontje Aa 14-7-1865

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Schoontje Aa and her family

Schoontje, Judic and Sientje AA were sisters and resided at the same address. Schoontje died in Amsterdam and is buried at the Jewish cemetery at Muiderberg.
Addition of a visitor of the website

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)