Johanna Magdalene Tof-Wolf

Zuidbroek, – Amstelveen,

Reached the age of 93 years



Manufacturer on the Lindegracht.

When the war broke out, father Gerrit Leefsma was already older, had done well, and decided it was time to retire.

The store is sold or he is bought out by an associate. The place where he was a shopkeeper is the address where the Tof family had a shop during and after the war.

Lindegracht 13

We find an entry in the Address Book for Heerenveen Oranjewoud 't Meer en Terband (1938-1939).

The Leefsm…

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Waarom ben ik overgebleven

In de Leeuwarder Courant van 2 mei 1970 verscheen een artikel met het verhaal van de onderduik van Bram Tof en zijn gezin:

Waarom ben ik overgebleven - Leeuwarder Courant - 2 mei 1970

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