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Herdenk Salli Lipszyc

Salli Lipszyc

Rychswal, – Place of death unknown, date unknown



About Salli Lipszyc

Salli Lipszyc married Hanna Bialer at the synagogue on the Claes de Vrieselaan in Rotterdam on 5 May 1942. The couple was caught while trying to escape to Switzerland.
W.C. Ultee, We mogen nergens heen, we moeten naar Vught. De joodse inwoners van Woerden, 1930-1947 (Woerden 1999)

Salli Lipszyc was the eldest son of Jacob Lipszyc and Regina Szyke. He had the Polish nationality. He married Hana B…

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Het huwelijk van Hana Lipszyc en Salli Liszyc in 1942

Het huwelijk van Hana Lipszyc en Salli Liszyc in 1942

Bron: Privé-collectie

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)