
About Herman Hartog

Herman Hartog was a son from the first marriage of Caroline Caneel and Philippus Hartog. His parents divorced a few months before his birth and his mother presumably remarried in 1941 to Maurits van Dam.

Herman Hartog became part of the family of Maurits van Dam and his mother Caroline Caneel, and in September 1942 he had a newborn sister Betje Jeanette.

Herman lived with his little sister and his parents in the Dirk Smitsstraat 50 in Rotterdam till they were all sent  to Camp Westerbork. They were registered there on 10 April 1943 and Herman and his stepfather Maurits van Dam stayed in barack 73; his mother and sister in barack 57.

On 14 September they were all deported to Auschwitz where they arrived on 17 September 1943. Herman, his sister Betje Jeanette and his mother Caroline van Dam-Caneel were killed there immediately upon arrival, that 17th of December. His father was sent as hard-laborer to Monowitz/Buna from where he was sent back to Birkenau on 30 November 1943. The next day, on 1 December 1943 his stepfather Maurits van Dam has been killed there.

City Archive of Rotterdam, death certificate 1603 of Herman Hartog, 1951 v4---009; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Herman Hartog, Maurits, Caroline and Betje Jeanette van Dam.