
About Abraham Snoek and his wife Alida Poppegaai.

Abraham Snoek was a son of Hartog Snoek and Klara Zante. He was born on 6 February 1916 in Amsterdam and he was a commercial traveller in stationery. On 5 June 1941 he married in Amsterdam Alida Poppegaai, who was born there on 18 September 1915 as a daughter of Gerrit Poppegaai and Magdalena van Geldere. The couple Snoek-Poppegaai had no children.

Before they were married, Abraham Snoek lived in the Pieter Aertzstraat 98 floor and Alida Poppegaai in the Albert Cuypstraat 149. Per 5 June 1941 they lived together at Amstelkade 93 2nd floor in Amsterdam-South.

Abraham Snoek was not formally “gesperrt”- exempted from deportation by the Jewish Council. But due to his work as fellow worker at the food distribution of the Jewish Council, he and his wife were only called-up and carried off to concentration camp Vught on 14 May 1943. From there, Abraham was put to work in the “Aussenkommando Moerdijk”.

On 2 July 1943 Abraham came back in Vught and on 3 July 1943 Abraham and Alida were transferred from Vught to Westerbork. From there they were put on transport to Sobibor on 6 July 1943. Upon arrival there on 9 July 1943, they were both immediately murdered in the gas chambers.

Sources include the City Archive of Amsterdam, archive cards of Abraham Snoek and Alida Poppegaai; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Abraham Snoek and Alida Snoek-Poppegaai and the website ITA Arolson, camp card Vught for Abraham Snoek.

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