Bijdragen aan Emil Schönhorn

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Herdenk Emil Schönhorn

Emil Schönhorn

Berlijn, – Auschwitz,

Bereikte de leeftijd van 33 jaar

Beroep: Coupeur


The Schönhorn Family in Berlin

The Schönhorn family: Hermann Schönhorn (24.10.1882), his wife Chaja Martha Schönhorn née Felsenberg (05.02.1888), their son Emil Schönhorn (26.06.1909) and his wife Selma Schönhorn née Steinbrecher (21.04.1909), and (probably also the son of Emil & Chaja Schönhorn) Norbert Schönhorn (08.06.1921) lived at Ackerstraße 169-170 in the Mitte district of Berlin, Germany until their 1934 emigration to t…

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