Bijdragen aan Joseph Huisman

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Herdenk Joseph Huisman

Joseph Huisman

Den Haag, – Den Haag,

Bereikte de leeftijd van 58 jaar

Beroep: Koopman in fruit


Gezin Joseph Huisman

Van dit gezin is ook een JOKOS-dossier (nummer 25078) aanwezig op het Gemeentearchief van Amsterdam. Voor inzage is toestemming nodig van de stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.

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The Huisman-Elburg family trying to reach Switzerland

On August 23, 1942, a group of eight Dutch Jews tried to enter Switzerland through the Jura mountains, in the Risoux massif. When arrested, two of them (Abraham de Vries and Nathan Israel) attempted suicide, and were sent to hospital; they could stay in Switzerland with their wives. The four others, a family from the Hague, were turned back: Naatje Huisman née Bobbe (born 4.6.1879), wife of Joseph…

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