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Herdenk Emanuel van West

Emanuel van West

Amsterdam, – Midden-Europa,

Reached the age of 39 years

Occupation: Merchant


About Emanuel van West and his wife Sientje Kloot.

Emanuel van West was the 11th of the 13 children of David van West and Keetje Cohen. Emanuel was born in Amsterdam on 8 August 1904, when his parents lived at Nieuwe Grachtje 8. Since then, his parents have lived at a number of different addresses in the city and in the end of October 1925 the moved to Tugelaweg 33 1st floor in Amsterdam-East. Also Emanuel, who meanwhile had become a telegram orde…

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Deze persoon/dit gezin had een levensverzekering die mogelijk nog uitkeerbaar is.

Meer informatie daarover vindt u op de internetpagina van de Stichting Individuele Verzekeringsaanspraken Sjoa:

Onder het kopje 'Polissen' vindt u de lijst met mogelijk nog uitkeerbare polissen en onder het kopje 'Algemene Informatie' het aanvraagformulier.

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About Emanuel van West

In addition, a Jokos file (number 55495) on this person is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)